Holistic Abacus

Mastering Math, Nurturing Minds

Unlocking Potential, One Bead at a Time

Holistic Abacus

An integrated program that enhances mental math skills, concentration, and overall brain development through holistic methods

A Holistic Abacus is an approach to abacus training that goes beyond mere mathematical calculations. It encompasses a more comprehensive educational philosophy, incorporating elements of cognitive development, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills into the abacus learning process. This approach aims to nurture a well-rounded and holistic development of students by using the abacus as a tool for enhancing various aspects of their intellectual growth. 

Abacus training at Viswam's Schoollabs introduces a distinctive approach to teaching this ancient mathematical tool to both teachers and students.


Holistic Abacus

Empowering Minds Through Holistic Math Development

360° Brain Development

Viswam's Abacus training ensures holistic cognitive growth, enhancing mathematical abilities and problem-solving skills.

Effective Learning Method

Our playway approach makes learning fun, helping students grasp mental arithmetic effortlessly.

Qualified Instructors

Our program boasts a qualified and proficient training panel, guaranteeing a high-quality learning experience for students and teachers alike.

Math Phobia Solution

We empower students to overcome math phobia, boosting their confidence in handling mathematical challenges.

Viswam's Holistic abacus

Program Details

Program Details
Levels Per Year
2 levels
Weekly Class Frequency
2 periods/week
Student Kit
4 books, Abacus Instrument, Examinations, Certificate & Medals
School Kit
Master Abacus, Flash cards, Teacher training, Service through expert visits
  • Total 6 Levels - 2 Levels per year
  • 2 Periods per weak
  • 2 work books for student.
  • Assessments & Certificates


Distinctive Aspects of Viswam's Abacus Program

At Viswam’s School Labs, our Abacus experts provide comprehensive training (TOT) using an interactive methodology.

  • We offer two levels of day-long training sessions each year.
  • Training materials are furnished to Abacus teachers.
  • We provide valuable tips and support for conducting classes effectively.
  • Online training for the Ganita Mitra Math Kit Junior is also available.


Voices of Success from Our School Partners

Hear the Praise Directly from Our Partner Schools

Delhi Public School Principal

The workshop was interesting and interactive the teaching aids are sure to motivate the children and make math learning enjoyable.

Oakridge school CEO of Oakridge school

The demonstration and the teaching clusters are very good. Mr. Karthik explained all the concepts well we need to practice to implement in a best possible way

Kennedy High School Vice Prinicipal

Seemed to be very informative and interactive session worked well for us.

D.A.V. Public School Vice Prinicipal

Session was more informative and make us learnt many innovation way to make teaching learning effective

Geetanjali Olympiad Schools Correspondant

Demo was good. Understanding the concept is very clear. Excellent class, Explanation was good. Topic and content is clear all the puzzles are very clear and valuable to a child & teacher

St. Mary's English Medium High School Founder & CEO of Geetanjali Olympiad Schools

We are happy to inform Abacus training session was useful and so effective. Our staff Participated 34 members and learned the content. In this programme we learnt the history of Abacus views of different methods in teaching Abacus. we learnt oral problems, 5s & 10s complements activities picture representation, visualization. Thanks to school labs

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